Famous Swedes confront stereotypes
Did Peter Setman bring fondue to Sweden? Does Zara Larsson say “text” rather than “message” to show how Americanized she has become? Does Thorsten Flinck really know who Steve Jobs is? Has Alice Bah Kuhnke ever paid for a lap dance in her life? Fördomspodden is the podcast where famous Swedes respond to the many prejudices Emil Persson has about them.
Famous Swedes confront stereotypes
Did Peter Setman bring fondue to Sweden? Does Zara Larsson say “text” rather than “message” to show how Americanized she has become? Does Thorsten Flinck really know who Steve Jobs is? Has Alice Bah Kuhnke ever paid for a lap dance in her life? Fördomspodden is the podcast where famous Swedes respond to the many prejudices Emil Persson has about them.